Legal Notices
ANBI Status
C4C (Stichting Culture For Change) is recognized by the Dutch government as a ‘General Benefit Organization’ (ANBI). With this C4C and its donors benefit from certain tax advantages in inheriting and donating .
To comply with the ANBI conditions and regulations, we provide the following information on this website:
Or via Willem van de Put, +31622908419
Chamber of Commerce number 68442661
RSIN no. 8574.45.285, BTW nr NL 857445285 B01
Bank account NL59 INGB 0003 615404 SWIFT INGBNL2A
Web hosting: OVH
Contact: 1-855-684-5463
Website create and designed by Pascal Crijnen and Flora Garde.
Financial reporting is published on the website as soon as there are financial activities.
Supervisory Board:
- Drs MEJ Merkx, chairman / treasurer
- Prof Dr JBM van Woensel, secretary
- Drs. Santing, member.
Members of the Supervisory Board receive no remuneration for their activities.
Management / Board of Directors:
- BMNR van Mierlo
- WACM van de Put