C4C participated in the final conference of COA (COA is short for Centraal Orgaan opvang asielzoekers, in English: the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers – on the project “Participation Eritreans: taking cultural differences into account”. Willem van de Put presented on the ‘refugee experience’. Wonderful day – and beautiful drawings! On the page of the project Participation of Eritreans on www.coa.nl you will find, among other things, links to the animation videos Eritreans in the Netherlands; the information range guidance Eritrean licensees and the online version of the book Eritrea and Eritrean refugees that the COA has published. There are also other project products to be found, such as the photo dictionary ‘Look, here! ‘ and the brochure Western life is fast – handles for the guidance of Eritreans.